
We help you transform your supply chain for the better, using four key steps.


Your data.


Our team works closely with you to understand your sustainability priorities and existing systems. We assist you to gather, process, and import your sourcing data into LandGriffon and builds a complete picture of your supply chain. LandGriffon then geolocates your data for analysis.

We are interested in your:

  • Targets, objectives, materiality and commitments
  • Reporting and compliance requirements
  • Existing usage of environmental datasets, certification
  • Frameworks, reporting guidelines, etc
  • Risk management


Your supply chain.


LandGriffon works with all levels of sourcing precision.

For example, if you source from intermediate suppliers rather than having farm and field locations, it uses a probabilistic model to estimate where your materials are most likely produced. No matter your level of sourcing data we work with you to map what you can and fill the gaps where needed.

Find out how our sourcing model works

Import data into LandGriffon:

  • Minimum:

    Materials & volumes

  • Improved accuracy:

    Suppliers, producers, farm/mill/silo locations, certifications, or commodity- and supplier-specific data.

  • Extensive:

    Other value chain impact data from supplier surveys and traceability tools.





The software measures environmental impacts and risks from agricultural production using trusted GIS data sources and an open scientific methodology. By layering this with your procurement data, we build a centralized picture of what environmental impacts are linked to your supply chain and where.

Learn more about the LandGriffon methodology

Base indicators used to analyze impact:

Add indicators and data sources:

  • On-the-ground LCAs.

    Override LandGriffon estimates.

  • Custom environmental, social, and financial metrics:

    Bring your own indicators, proprietary data sources, or any other data.




Gain insights into your environmental impact over time, compare scenarios, evaluate tradeoffs, and prioritize resources for informed and sustainable decision-making.

LandGriffon, with its open methodology, accurate data, and alignment with evolving ESG and nature standards like SBTN and TNFD, will adapt alongside your business's sustainability journey and contribute to the broader sustainable movement.

Take control of your impacts.

Suppliers actions.

  • Audit. Better measure and verify supplier activities.

  • Engage. Understand the local context, landscape, and community.

  • Invest. Work with key suppliers to improve practices.

  • Divest. Remove the worst offenders.

Business actions.

  • Product formula. Identify lower-impact alternatives.

  • Growth. Focus on high value to impact business lines.

  • Sourcing. Opt for more sustainable locations.

  • Communicate. Show progress internally and externally.

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